Concert Etiquette

Current: March 2014

These guidelines apply to all concerts, unless otherwise agreed on a venue-by-venue basis

1. Rehearsal dress

• Choir branded tops/fleeces if you have them

2. Concert dress

Official choir blouse
Layers underneath shouldn’t show. If necessary, use a hidden safety pin to slightly raise the V-neckline to hide layers
Smart ironed plain black trousers - full length - not cropped or capri, no jeans or chinos, and no patterned or textured fabrics, no velvet
Smart polished black shoes/boots, with plain black tights/kneehighs/popsocks/socks. No open-toed shoes or sandals
Modest jewellery only - avoid sparkly and highly reflective jewellery
Please do not wear perfume, though anti-perspirant is appreciated

Ironed true-black shirt with black buttons
Smart ironed black trousers (preferably not dinner trousers) - no black jeans or black chinos
Smart polished black shoes with plain black socks
Please do not wear aftershave, though anti-perspirant is appreciated

3. Folders and scores

Official Birmingham Bach Choir folders, unless agreed in advance to use score without folder
Carry in left hand, spine down, showing the logo
Insert music in order, and tag pieces in books for quick access
Turn pages quietly, at specified page turn locations (if applicable)
Hold position at the end of each piece until Conductor releases us

4. Getting on, and on stage

Be assembled in the agreed location no later than 15 mins before the concert
Arrive warmed up ready to sing
Be quietly lined up in agreed order no later than 5 mins before the concert
Quietly go onto stage area as agreed row by row, led by Concert Manager or designated other
Remain standing quietly until the whole choir is on the stage area
If relevant, choir sits smoothly together taking a cue from the Concert Manager, or designated people
Sit with both feet on the floor, legs uncrossed, folder closed on lap, as still as possible
If relevant during the performance, stand/sit quietly together at marked locations in the score, or on cue from Conductor, Concert Manager, or designated people
No talking on stage, but please look like you’re enjoying performing

5. Start of concert

If seated, stand quietly and smoothly together as Conductor steps onto rostrum, leaving folder/score closed in your left hand
If already standing, hold folder/score closed in your left hand
Open folder/score smoothly as Conductor raises his arms to signal us to open
them - he’ll wait until we’re all ready before starting

6. End of concert

• Close folder as Conductor turns to receive applause, hold in left hand, spine down, logo out
•Remain standing, unless given a cue to sit by Conductor/Concert Manager
•If seated, stand together on cue from the Concert Manager, or other
•Leave the stage area quietly row by row, as agreed, folder in left hand, spine down, logo out

7. Applause

•Do not applaud at the start of a concert
•Do not applaud when Conductor is inviting or receiving applause for the choir, but look at audience and smile appreciatively
If in curved rows, turn to face the audience to receive applause
Choir may applaud soloists or other performers when Conductor invites specific applause, but should stop when it becomes general applause
For solo/orchestral pieces, applaud as audience

St Mary’s Church, Warwick
Saturday 6 July 7pm
St Alban’s Church, Birmingham 

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Registered Charity Number: 1194569