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How you can help

Concert venue hire, professional high calibre soloists, instrumental accompanists and at least one orchestral concert a year (playing period instruments whenever possible) is a costly business. These costs cannot be fully covered by ticket prices without risk of them becoming unaffordable. This is why we need your help.

There are many ways individuals, businesses or institutions can help. We are hugely grateful for any and all this help.

Click on titles below (to open and close) and find out more.

A very special way to mark an occasion. We offer the opportunity to dedicate an entire concert, or an individual work within a concert programme, to your chosen person, memory or event.

To discuss the possibilities please contact donations, marking your enquiry ‘Dedications’. Once a dedication has been agreed a few words of your choice will appear prominently in the appropriate concert programme .

Here are some examples of recent dedications that have appeared in our programmes:

"Joy to Alison Gisby who now has the wings to fly!"
(Gae Twomey*)

"For June Buckley on the occasion of her 90th birthday "
(Sharon Buckley)

"For my dear friends, Beryl and David Glanfield, on the occasion of their 20th Wedding Anniversary last month"
(Julia Sadler)

"In fond memory of Bernard and Phyllis Hathaway, singers and music lovers, for whom this was a much loved work."
(Barbara Hathaway*)

"In memory of a very close friend, Richard Butt, Conductor of the Choir from 1966 to 1992, for whom Bach’s Mass in B minor meant a great deal."
(Michael Palmer )

"In memory of Patricia Mary Hurford who died on 2th September after 62 years of selfless support of her husband, Peter Hurford, in his life and his musical career."
(Ruth and Peter Oliver)

"To Patrick, a long-standing and enthusiastic supporter of the Choir, who would love to attend tonight’s concert but does not expect to be able to join us this evening."
(Barbara Hathaway and Ela Claridge )

Advertising your businesses. We produce high quality concert programmes and welcome a small number of advertisers to promote their business or organisation by buying either a full or half page space, full colour or black & white.

To discuss costs and availability please contact: marketing

We warmly welcome offers of help in any way.

Birmingham Bach Choir could not survive without a dedicated group of volunteers, both singers and non singers

If you would like to be involved and help e.g. as a steward or selling programmes or interval drinks at our concerts, or helping distribute our concert flyers we would love to to hear from you. Or if you have a skill or professional service you would like to offer us then please contact: info

When you are online shopping we would be hugely grateful if you register us as the recipient charity.
It costs you no extra to do so & is very simple.
You can do so using Easy Fundraising as below.

This is the link. choose Birmingham Bach Choir from the drop down menu on the first screen then register as a

Amazon no longer uses easyfundraising but you can shop instead with Amazon smile to help our funds.
Log in to Amazon smile (link below) with your usual Amazon account details (or if new to Amazon set up an account).
Select Birmingham Bach Choir as your chosen charity on the tool bar.

St Mary’s Church, Warwick
Saturday 6 July 7pm
St Alban’s Church, Birmingham 

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Registered Charity Number: 1194569